For the love of the game part 2 - basketball

In the our last article, wa talked about the rules of the game which will help you to understand and play the game better.
In this continuation of that article, we are looking at a broader side of the game which is to try and understand other primary aspects.
To start off, the center on which the game is played is called the basketball court which is guided or shown using the sidelines and the baselines on either end of the court.
We also have the free throw line, the three point line, the half court line, the paint or bucket, the perimeter, the rims and the backboard.
To understand better the terms i have used above, i need to point out here that there are different ways to playing basketball ranging from one on one, two on two, three on three and then full court which involves five players on either team. Some courts now even play four on four also.
The one on one to the four on fours plays are all for half court whereby it is only one end of the court that is used. The full court play is now five aside whereby the both ends of the court is used.
Before we dive in, let me point out that every made basket in this game is called a point.
The free throw line is a free shot just like the name suggests. It is a shot whereby there is no defense on the shooter. Before such a shot can be awarded, it would be as a result of an opposition player fouling the offensive player when he or she attempts to make a shot either through lay-up or the act of shooting. Normally the free throw is made up of two shots whereby each shot has a point except in a situation whereby the attempted shot or lay-up is made, then the shooter is awared just one free throw attempt. It is also worth pointing out that it is the person that is fouled that shoots the free throw so that is why working and practising your free throws is an essential part of learning the game.
We would soon treat a chapter based on making offensive plays but for now, we are still trying to understand the rules and every other aspect of the game.
The three point line is the furtherest line from the rim and this shot is worth three point when made except when the shooter's leg is on the three point line, then it is awarded just two points.
The half court line is the line that divided the both end of the court.
The paint or the bucket is the area in which the rim is. This is the area where points are made more easily because of its closeness to the rim.
The perimeter is the zone in between the three point line and the paint. A made shot from here is a two point play.
The rim is just alike to the goalpost in soccer. This is where the points is made either through a lay-up or a shot.
The backboard is what supports the rim. It is normally painted white and it is very helpful in making points either through lay-up or shot attempts.
Understanding these areas of the court amd its worth will also assist you in your transition as a basketball player.
Always remember, 'no pain no gain'.


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